

Don’t Let A Mistake Ruin Your Life Forever

Have You Lost Assets To Forfeiture In Iowa?

Being suspected or accused of a crime is shocking enough. Having your property seized by police in the process of a stop and an arrest is an affront. A drug crime investigation often results in suspects’ forfeiture of:

  • Cars
  • Motorcycles
  • Money
  • Other valuable property

Law enforcement agents sometimes seize large quantities of cash even without finding any evidence of illegal drug possession, on grounds that it appears to indicate illegal drug transactions are going on.

Know Your Rights — Act Promptly To Recover Property Lost To Forfeiture

Regardless of the particulars of any related criminal allegations, a strong defense of your constitutional rights will include attention to forfeiture you have been subjected to.

As an experienced, established and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Iowa, I, , want to help you if law enforcement agents seized your personal property. In other such cases, I have helped recover seized cars and other personal property promptly.

In a forfeiture matter as in any criminal defense matter, Vogel Law, PLLC, offers honest counsel, clear explanations and zealous representation. If I act as your advocate before a government law enforcement agency or court, I want you to know what to expect and how my law firm can help you pursue a just outcome.

Iowa Law Firm Helping Recover Personal Property Seized By The Police

Being subjected to seizure of assets on the basis of false or exaggerated allegations is confusing and frightening. I can help you take back your rightful control of the situation by advocating for return of what is rightfully yours. Contact me in Des Moines, to schedule an initial consultation by calling 515-446-9886 or filling out my online contact form.